Hunt Middle School
6501 S. 10th Street
Tacoma, WA 98465
Main Office: (253) 571-2400
Attendance: (253) 571-2402
Guidance: (253) 571-2416
Nurse: (253) 571-2418
Fax: (253) 571-2467
Principal: Kim Messersmith
Assistant Principal: Dave Kellogg
School Hours: 7:40am to 2:10pm
Main Office
- Payment of fees & fines
- Purchase ID cards, ASB stickers, etc.
- Appointments with administrators
- Transportation
- Lost Textbooks
- Lost and found items
**Any student entering the office, for any reason, must check in at the front desk.
Student Handbook 2024-2025
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Athletic Policies
- Attendance Procedures
- Assemblies
- Bicycles/Skateboards/Scooters
- Breakfast After the Bell
- Cafeteria Rules
- Cafeteria Meals
- Classroom Supplies
- Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Digital Citizenship
- Conferences
- Deliveries
- Dress Code
- English Learners (EL)
- Emergency Drills
- Emergency School Closures
- Field Trips
- Fines/Obligations/Overdue Library Materials
- Guidance Office
- Food, Beverages & Gum
- Hall Passes - 15/15 Rule
- Hallway Expectations
- International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP)
- Lockers
- Music, Media & Movies
- Nurses Office
- Permanent Markers
- Physical Education Requirements
- Replacement of Lost ID Cards
- Restrooms
- Technology Use
- Telephone Use by Students
- Telephone Messages to Students
- Textbooks
- Valuables
- Visitors
Academic Integrity Policy
Hunt students are principled and therefore should strive to act with honesty and integrity. Students with integrity take responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences resulting from those actions. Students demonstrate academic honesty by consistently acknowledging the ideas and work of others. Please see the linked Academic Integrity Policy for details as well as to complete the required student and parent signatures.
Athletic Policies
Participation in athletics at Hunt is regulated by the rules and policies set forth at the Tacoma School District middle school athletics page at https://www.tacomaschools.org/departments/athletics-and-activities
To participate students must have:
A current physical exam
An ASB card and emergency contact card
A signed Athletic Contract & Standards form
Attended school at least a half-day on the day of an event or practice
Attendance Procedures
School attendance is one of the major factors affecting a student’s progress. There is a direct relationship between a student’s absences and their struggles in school. Attending school every day and being on time are the first steps to school success. Students must be in their first class by 8am.
Students may earn prizes for great attendance, including snacks, other items, or fun opportunities.
Excused Absences
Families must provide the school with a valid reason (verbal or written) for an absence for it to be excused. The following constitute valid reasons according to district policies and state law:
Personal illness
A personal health condition
Personal medical or dental appointments
Appearances in court when required by law
Disciplinary action – short- or long-term suspensions, in-school suspension, expulsion
Religious observances
Family emergency approved by the principal (i.e., funeral, death, hospitalization, etc.)
School-approved activities (field trips and partnerships)
Planned family activity that has been pre-approved by the principal
In all cases, the principal determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
Anyone picking up a student must be on the authorized contact list and bring photo identification.
Tardy (and Unexcused Absences)
When students are not in class when the bell rings, they are considered tardy. A student arriving to school late must check in at the attendance window for an entry slip. Students more than five minutes late to class are considered truant. Appropriate consequences will be assigned. Continued tardiness, or unexcused absences, could result in administrative action.
Extended Absence
Families must request approval from the principal or assistant principal in writing at least three days prior to the planned absence. The principal may consider the student’s academic record and the expected impact of the absence in approving or denying the request. Families and students may be asked to sign an agreement to make up missed work or complete special assignments or the absence may become unexcused.
Returning to School After an Absence
Students are responsible for communicating with all their teachers to gather missed learning and arranging a way to make up assignments.
Early Dismissal
If a student must leave school during the day for any reason, a dismissal slip must be obtained from the attendance office. A written or verbal request for early dismissal, to include the time and the reason for the dismissal, is to be presented to the attendance office prior to the dismissal time. Students will not be called out of class early to wait for pickup. Please come a few minutes early to allow time for them to be called out of class.
If a student becomes ill during the day, the nurse or office will issue an early dismissal slip after contact with a parent or guardian and authorization that the student may leave school early. Families should be prepared to provide valid identification prior to the release of a student.
Truancy and Leaving School Grounds
The Tacoma School District maintains a closed campus policy.
Once a student arrives at school, he or she may not leave the school grounds until the end of the scheduled school day without written permission from the office. Students who leave campus without written permission before the end of the scheduled day are considered truant. Students are truant when they are willfully, and without authorization, absent from class. Failure to check out of school before the end of regularly scheduled classes is considered truancy. A parent/guardian conference may be required before a truant student is allowed to re-enter his or her classes.
Truancy and unexcused absences could result in administrative action.
Makeup Work for Extended Absences
Assignments may be obtained by calling the main office, contacting teachers, or through StudentVue. Assignments may be picked up the day after your call. Teachers need 24-hour notice to compile the work. Call 253-571-2400 prior to picking up the assignments to make sure it’s ready to be picked up. StudentVue can be a helpful way to access assignments and learning.
Hunt students should be proud of themselves and their school. They demonstrate this through polite and courteous behavior. Our good conduct at assemblies is an indication of being principled and caring members of our school.
Enter in an orderly manner at an appropriate noise level.
Sit and remain in your assigned section.
Show respect for all. Be quiet and attentive for each speaker. Clap as appropriate.
Booing, shouting and whistling are inappropriate. Show thunder spirit.
Follow staff directions for dismissal.
All personal items will be locked up in students’ advisory classrooms.
There are multiple bike racks on Hunt’s campus. For security reasons, the best location to lock a bike is on the bike rack located at the main entrance. Despite our attempts to provide security, bikes can be easily stolen. The school is not responsible for damage or theft. If you choose to ride your bike to school, please remember:
Wear a helmet while riding.
While on campus, walk your bike.
Park your bike in one of the school racks, perpendicular to the rack.
Lock your bike.
No bikes, skateboards, or scooters on athletic fields.
Skateboards and scooters must be checked in at the main office on arrival.
Breakfast After the Bell
Breakfast-After-the-Bell will be available free to all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Students are expected to eat appropriately and clean up after themselves. Outside Breakfast-After-the-Bell, food items should be stored away in backpacks. Water bottles are allowed during class as long as they do not become a distraction to the learner or learning environment.
Cafeteria Rules
Eating in the cafeteria is a privilege. Students who do not follow staff directions will be required to eat elsewhere.
· Follow directions of all staff the first time they are given.
· Clean up after yourself. Ensure your table area is clean for others.
· Remain in your chosen seat until excused.
· Use a Level 1 voice. Talk to people at your table in a conversational tone.
· When staff are asking for your attention, stop, look, and listen for their instructions.
Cafeteria Meals
Tacoma Public Schools offers free breakfast and lunch to TPS students for the 2024-25 school year. If a student wants a second meal, there will be a charge.
For more information, visit the TPS Nutrition Services webpage.
Classroom Supplies
To make life easier for families and students we require a one-time fee of $30 to cover all general classroom supplies, such as pencils, pens, notebooks, and paper. Consumable supplies will be replenished throughout the year in advisory class. Go to the main office if you need help getting a backpack.
Also, students will have a district-provided laptop and charger as part of their learning kit. It is important that students take care of their laptops and charge them at home every day, so they are ready for use in school.
Students must ensure they bring their laptop and charger to school every day as well. Students who fail to bring their laptop and charger to school are causing a barrier to their learning. If administration finds a pattern of a student not bringing their laptop to school, administration can assign appropriate consequences.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Digital Citizenship
Students, you are expected to use your electronic devices responsibly. Use must not interfere with your learning or the learning of others. This means:
· During class your device is put away (in backpack) unless you have specific permission from the teacher to use it for a learning purpose.
· When given specific permission from the teacher, your communications/actions with the device are school appropriate.
· You do not take pictures or recordings of other people without their permission.
· You do not allow other students to have possession of your device.
· Your phone is put away during passing times and stays in your backpack in class when you are outside the classroom, using the restroom, etc.
· If a student needs to use their phone to connect with their caregiver, they can speak to teacher/staff who, when appropriate, can give permission to go to the front office to use the cell phone to make the necessary call or text.
An administrator or designee may collect an electronic device from a student and hold it the office if that student does not follow district, school and classroom expectations. Repeated issues with an electronic device may lead to progressive administrative action. Compliance with these guidelines is a matter of being principled and being caring toward our school’s expectations. Violations may also be subject to consequences spelled out in the Tacoma School District’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) policy, student privacy regulations, and other state and federal laws.
Families, if you can avoid it, please do not text your child during school hours. Please contact the school directly (253-571-2400) if there is an emergency.
Dress Code
The purpose of the school dress code is to:
Support the learning environment
Provide a means of identification and belonging to Hunt Middle School
Provide for a neat and orderly appearance appropriate for school
Reduce competition in dress
Clothing Item |
Description |
Hunt Spirit Gear or shirts with sleeves
*Pajamas should stay at home. |
Bottoms: pants, jeans, shorts, skirts, capris |
Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move: |
Shoes |
Shoes should be comfortable and allow you to safely move through the building. |
Head gear |
Hats, bandanas (cloth that is tied), and scarves should be left at home |
All Clothing |
All clothing and accessories allowed in school contain only positive and school appropriate messages. |
Note: Administration reserves the right to restrict any clothing items or accessories that it deems disruptive.
English Learners (EL)
Hunt provides direct English Learner (EL) services. Students will be assessed and receive support based on their level of need. For more information, see the Tacoma School District EL webpage.
Emergency Drills
Emergency School Closures
Closures due to bad weather or unsafe road conditions are announced on most local radio and TV stations. The call signs for local stations include KOMO (AM 1000), KIRO (AM 710), KMPS (FM 94.1), and KLAY (FM 1480). You may also call 253-571-1000 beginning at 6 a.m. for information. The district may also issue an automated recording. Please make sure your contact information is up to date with the office.
Field Trips
Students are expected to follow all school rules, have a parent-signed permission slip, and be appropriately dressed according to Hunt dress code guidance while on school-sponsored field trips unless otherwise specified by teachers or trip leaders in advance.
Students are expected to be on their best behavior, which means they demonstrate the 10 attributes of the IB Learning Profile (inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective). Failure to comply with behavior expectations may result in consequences including, but not limited to:
Return to school
Loss of future field trip/activity privileges
Also, students may be prohibited from participation on certain field trips if one or more of the following apply:
The student has been suspended.
The student has numerous situation reports.
The student owes fines or obligations.
Students are to ride to and from field trips via district-approved transportation. Volunteers must be cleared by the office at least 48 hours prior to the day of the field trip.
Fines/Obligations/Overdue Library Materials
Students will be using many items that belong to the school. These include laptops, textbooks, library books, musical instruments, uniforms, locks, and science and athletic equipment. If school equipment is lost or damaged, there may be a fine issued to cover the repair or replacement of the item. If school property that is checked out to a student is stolen, it remains the student’s responsibility to pay for it. Students who owe fines or obligations will have report cards, transcripts and diplomas withheld until the fine or obligation is paid. Reference: Tacoma School District Regulation (3520R).
Guidance Office
Food, Beverages & Gum
Breakfast after the bell will be available to all students and eaten in classrooms. Students are expected to eat appropriately and clean up after themselves. Outside Breakfast-After-the-Bell, food items should be stored away in backpacks. Water bottles are allowed during class as long as they do not become a distraction to the learner or learning environment.
Hall Passes - 15/15 Rule
Students who are out of class must carry a hall pass from a teacher. This includes trips to the office, the nurse, and the restroom. Students are expected to take care of personal business, go their lockers, and use the bathroom during passing times. Students will not be issued hall passes during the first 15 minutes or the last 15 minutes of class.
Hallway Expectations
Hunt is an IB School and as such we strive to be:
Principled: We take responsibly for our actions.
Caring: We show respect to others.
In hallways, principled and caring looks like the following:
Keep hands and body to yourself. Avoid inappropriate play, pushing, and loitering.
Use an indoor voice.
Be courteous to everyone.
Don’t disrupt other classes.
Walk, don’t run.
Students in class and doing their warm-up before the tardy bell.
Halls cleared by 2:20pm at the end of the school day.
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP)
Hunt Middle School is a candidate IB MYP school. The MYP encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The MYP is a five-year program, which can be implemented in a partnership between schools (for instance students can go from Hunt Middle School to Foss High School), or in abbreviated (two, three or four year) formats. Students who complete the MYP are well-prepared to undertake the IB Diploma Program (DP) that is offered Junior and Senior years at Foss High School.
For more information: IB MYP webpage
IB Learner Profile
Hunt Middle School is fully committed to being an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. Part of the student journey in this process is to develop themselves in terms of the IB Learner Profile. There are 10 attributes IB wants students to develop in themselves as they grow towards adulthood. As IB learners, we strive to be:
Inquirers: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
Knowledgeable: We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
Thinkers: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
Communicators: We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Open-minded: We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Risk-takers: We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
Balanced: We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional— to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
Reflective: We thoughtfully consider our world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
Hunt Middle School does not have hallway lockers. Students will need a sufficient backpack to carry their school materials with them from class to class.
Hunt Middle School does have gym lockers that are assigned for storage of athletic and school garments for PE.
Lockers belong to the school and may be opened and searched by school authorities at any time (this statement is “prior notice” of locker searches). Any unauthorized items found in a locker will be removed.
Only school issued locks may be used. All others will be removed.
Students must not share lockers or give their locker combination to anyone. The school is not responsible for items lost or stolen at school. Leave your valuables at home.
**Entering or vandalizing another student’s locker is a serious offense and is subject to detention, suspension, and/or police action.
Music, Media & Movies
Nurses Office
Get a hall pass from your teacher if you are not feeling well and go to the nurse. If you need to take medication, see the nurse. Don’t keep any medicines with you. Medications belong in the nurse’s office. This is school district policy. Students using crutches may only do so with written doctor’s orders. Students must see the nurse upon re-entry after injury.
Permanent Markers
Physical Education Requirements
Students are required to participate and dress for PE every day, unless excused by a doctor.
Official Hunt PE t-shirts may be purchased in the office.
Black or navy athletic shorts (finger-tip length) and plain gray T-shirts are acceptable.
Optional sweatshirts or sweatpants may be worn (navy or black bottoms and gray tops)
Replacement of Lost ID Cards
Technology Use
The district offers one-to-one devices as well as digital access to library materials, databases, and the internet. It is important that you and your student read and discuss the Student Use of District Technology page, which includes the District’s Acceptable Use Policy for Digital Resources. A summary of the regulation follows. Complete text is available on the Tacoma Public Schools website.
In using the district digital resources, students accept the responsibility to:
Utilize the digital resources for educational purposes only;
Abide by district policies and federal/state laws, including Copyright laws;
Adhere to school guidelines on use of the network, and notifying staff prior to using the internet;
Use good behavior and respect district property; do not destroy, modify, delete, or add software to district computers without permission.
Use digital resources in a legal, moral, and ethical manner. Do not access or process obscene, pornographic, or other inappropriate materials.
Tacoma Public Schools reserves the right to review and monitor activity on the network for responsible use consistent with the District’s Acceptable Use Policy for Digital Resources and Regulation; and to remove a user’s privilege to access the network at any time the District determines that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or for violating the Policy. Disciplinary actions, if any, shall be consistent with the district’s standard policies and procedure
Telephone Use by Students
Telephone Messages to Students
Leave them at home. Valuables such as large sums of cash, iPods, MP3 players, cameras, and other non-district provided electronic devices, as well as jewelry, should not be brought to school. Loss is common; so is theft or “borrowing.”
Hunt staff will not be responsible for the replacement or recovery of such items.
Responsible adult family members are welcome to visit school any time. It is necessary for all visitors to check in at the office and receive a visitor pass.
Students are not allowed to bring friends or siblings to visit during the school day.
If a family member (identified as such in the district database) wants to visit their child’s class(es), arrangements must be made with each teacher 24 hours prior to the visit.
Please complete the following forms related to Hunt Middle School’s student handbook: